Earlier this week, I went to Taos with my wife. While she was busy at a conference, I decided to go exploring. Imagine what I found at Kit Carson Park: The Kit Carson Memorial Cemetery! Yes, I know, only true graveyard rabbits get excited about this type of stuff.
Anyhow, I took a bunch of photos on my cell phone since I left my camera back in the hotel room. A good thing, too, since I'm still trying to figure out how to use my camera, and the photos I took with the camera came out blurry, unlike these.
As a genealogist, I like it when I find a family tree. Here is a plaque showing the Kit Carson's family who are all buried in the cemetery:
Christopher "Kit" Carson married a local woman, Josefa Jaramillo. They are buried together at the cemetery. Josefa was the last of Kit Carson's three wives. Marc Simmon's wrote about his family in the book "Kit Carson and His Three Wives".

More photos from the cemetery, including the tombstones of Mabel Dodge Luhan and Padre Antonio Jose Martinez can be found at my Facebook photo page at this link.